The Commissioner for Entrance Examinations (CEE), Kerala has notified the Entrance Examinations for admission to the Medical/ Agriculture/Veterinary/ Engineering/ Architecture Degree Courses, Kerala for 2008-09.
Entrance Examination will be held for admission to various courses in Government/Aided/Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) Colleges. Admissions/Allotments to Self-financing Colleges from the State Rank lists for all courses will be subject to the decision of the Supreme Court of India in WP(C)s on the issues relating to Self-financing colleges pending before it and orders of Central and State Governments.
Courses: (i) MBBS (ii) BDS (iii) B.Pharm. (iv) B.Sc. (Nursing) (v) B.Sc. (MLT) (vi) BAMS (vii) B.H.M.S (viii) B.S.M.S (Siddha) (ix) B.Sc.-Nursing (Ayurveda) (x) B.Pharm. (Ayurveda) (xi) B.P.T (Physiotherapy) (xii) B.Sc. Hons. (Agriculture) (xiii) B.F.Sc. (Fisheries) (xiv) B.Sc. Hons. (Forestry) (xv) B.V.Sc. & AH (xvi) B.Tech.
Admission to B.Arch course will be based on the rank list prepared by giving equal wieightage for the NATA score and the marks in the Qualifying examination. The CEE will not hold any aptitude test for admission to the B.Arch Course.
Eligibility: Applicant should satisfy the eligibility conditions related to Nativity, Academic qualification and age.
Nativity: Applicant should be an Indian citizen. Persons of Indian Origin (PIO)/Overseas Citizen of India(OCI) Card holders who have studied/are studying in Kerala from Class VIII to XII will be treated on par with Indian citizens for the limited purpose of admission.
Keralites and Non-Keralites are eligible to apply for the Entrance Examination. However, the eligibility for admission to the different courses will be as specified for each category.
Applicants of Kerala origin will be categorized as ‘Keralites’.
An applicant will be considered as a ’Keralite’, if he/she satisfies any one of the conditions (i) he/she or his/her father/mother was born in Kerala (ii) he/she has been a resident of Kerala for a period of 5 years within a period of 12 years (iii) he/she has undergone his/her school studies from Standards VIII to XII in educational institution(s) in Kerala.
Applicants not of Kerala origin will be categorized as ‘Non-Keralites’. Non-Keralites are classified as ‘Non-Keralite Category-I’ and ‘Non-Keralite Category-II’. Applicants who have undergone the qualifying course in Kerala, and who are the sons/daughters of Employees of the Government of India or employees who are serving in connection with the affairs of the Government of Kerala, subject to the condition that, all categories of the employees mentioned above should have served in Kerala for a minimum period of 2 years or have served in connection with the affairs of the Government of Kerala for a minimum period of 2 years will be treated as, ‘Non-Keralite Category-I’. Such candidates will be eligible for admission to the Government seats under ‘State Merit’ only, for all the courses, which are filled on the basis of the rank in the Entrance Examination(s) or the rank list prepared by giving equal weightage to the marks in NATA and qualifying examination, as applicable.
Candidates who do not belong to the ‘Keralite’ or ‘Non-Keralite Category-I’ will be treated as ‘Non-Keralite Category-II'. They are eligible only for admission to ‘State Merit’ seats in the Private Self-financing Engineering Colleges and in Management Quota seats in Self-financing Engineering institutions sponsored by Government. Non-Keralite candidates will not be considered for admission against reserved seats.
Academic Qualification:
Medical/Agriculture/Veterinary/B.Sc.–Nursing (Ayurveda) and B.Pharm. (Ayurveda): Candidates should have passed the Higher Secondary Examination/examination recognized as equivalent thereto, with 50% marks in Biology and 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology put together. Only those candidates who score 50% marks in the Medical Entrance Examination will be considered for admission to MBBS/BDS courses. Candidates seeking admission to B.V.Sc. & AH course under KAU, in addition to the qualification prescribed above, should have passed the qualifying examination with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English put together.
B.Pharm: Candidates should have passed Higher Secondary Examination, Kerala/examinations recognized as equivalent thereto, with 50% marks in Biology/Mathematics/ Biotechnology/Computer Science separately and 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and the third optional together. Such candidates will not be eligible for admission to B.Pharm. (Ayurveda) course. Applicants who have passed D.Pharm, with 50% mark in the final Diploma Examination are also eligible for admission to B.Pharm course, subject to the condition that they should have passed Higher Secondary/Pre-Degree/equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry and Biology/ Mathematics as optional. Such candidates will be eligible only for B.Pharm. course and will not be admitted to other Medical / Agriculture/ Veterinary Courses.
B.P.T: Candidates should have passed the Higher Secondary examination / examination recognized as equivalent thereto, with 50% marks in Biology, and 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology put together. In addition, the candidates should have studied English as a subject at Plus Two level.
Engineering: Candidates should have passed Higher Secondary Examination, Kerala/examinations recognized as equivalent thereto with 50% marks in Mathematics separately, and 50% marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry/Bio-technology/Computer Science/Biology put together.
Candidates having Three year Diploma in Engineering awarded by the Board of Technical Examinations, Kerala/equivalent, having 50% marks in the final Diploma examination, are also eligible for admission. However, these Diploma holders are not eligible for admission to the Engineering courses offered by KAU.
Architecture: Candidates should have passed 10+2 Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination or examinations recognized as equivalent thereto, with Mathematics as a subject of examination, with 50% marks in aggregate. Candidates who have passed Three year Diploma in Engineering or equivalent examination with 50% marks in final Diploma examination are also eligible to apply. In addition, the candidates should qualify the NATA (National Aptitude Test in Architecture) with 40% marks. Reserved category (SC/ST/SEBC) candidates should have obtained a minimum of 35% marks in NATA.
Relaxation in marks in the Qualifying Examination: For all courses, a relaxation of 5% marks in the qualifying examination will be allowed to those candidates who belong to the communities listed under the Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBC) and whose annual family income is up to Rs. 2.5 lakhs. SC/ST candidates need only a pass in the qualifying examination. SEBC categories, seeking admission to MBBS/BDS courses, need 45% marks in Biology and 45% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology put together, in the qualifying examination and 40% marks in Medical Entrance Examination. Candidates belonging to SC/ST categories need 40% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology put together in the qualifying examination and 40% marks in the Entrance Examination for admission to MBBS/BDS Courses.
Appearing candidates: Candidates, who have not passed the qualifying examination but have appeared/are appearing for the Higher Secondary or equivalent examination or the three-year Engineering Diploma Examination of this academic year, will also be permitted to take the Entrance Examination(s) provisionally. Such candidates should prove their academic eligibility on the date of admission.
Eligibility of B.Sc. Degree holders for certain Medical Courses: Those who apply based on their B.Sc. Degree, for admission to MBBS, BDS, BAMS, B.H.M.S, BSMS, B.Sc. (Nursing) and B.Sc. (MLT) Courses, should have obtained their B.Sc. Degree with one of the subjects, Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Bio-Chemistry as Main, and any one or two of these subjects as subsidiaries, with 50% marks for Main and Subsidiaries taken together subject to the condition that they have passed the Higher Secondary or equivalent examination, with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optional subjects. Candidates applying based on B.Sc. Degree should have passed the Degree Examination at the time of submission of application.
Age: Applicant should complete 17 years of age as on 31.12.2008.
Entrance Examinations: The Entrance Examinations will be held at all the District Centres in Kerala, New Delhi and Dubai (UAE), as per Indian Standard Time (IST).
Paper I, Physics & Chemistry of the Engineering Entrance Examination will be held on 21.4.2008 (Monday). Paper II, Mathematics will be held on 22.4.2008 (Tuesday)
Paper-I, Chemistry & Physics of the Medical Entrance Examination will be held on 23.4.2008 (Wednesday) and Paper-II, Biology on 24.4.2008 (Thursday).
All the examination will be from 10 am to 12.30 pm.
Admission to the B.Pharm. course will be based on a separate rank list prepared on the basis of the performance of candidates in the ‘Chemistry & Physics’ Paper (Paper I) of the Medical Entrance Examination.
Candidates seeking admission to B.Arch. course should also submit the Application form to the CEE. Such candidates should take the NATA(National Aptitude Test in Architecture) and should forward the NATA score and mark list of the qualifying examination to the CEE on or before 12.06.2008.
Application Forms: Only one application need be submitted for admission to one or more of Medical, Agriculture, Veterinary, B.Pharm, Engineering and Architecture courses. SC/ST candidates should apply in light Yellow application forms and all other candidates should apply in the General application form (Light Blue). Candidates under ‘Other Eligible Communities' (OEC) should apply in the General application form. Candidates who are children of Intercaste Married Couple, of which one is SC/ST, should apply in the form meant for SC/ST.
Application Fee: The fee for Application materials is Rs.700/- for General candidates and Rs. 350/- for SC/ST candidates.
Application Sale Outlets: The Application form along with the OMR Data Sheet, Prospectus and an envelope bearing the address of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations (to send the filled in Application form) will be available through selected branches of Canara Bank (see link ) and State Bank of Travancore (see link ) in Kerala and outside the State till 29.2.2008(Friday) on payment of the Application fee by cash at the distribution centre. Applicant should ensure that the Application number printed in the Application Form, OMR Data Sheet and on the cover are the same.
Applicants not claiming any reservation/belonging to the Non-Keralite Category–II can apply in the application from that can be downloaded from the website Such candidates should send the filled-in application along with a Demand Draft for Rs. 700/-, drawn on any Nationalized Bank, in favour of the ‘Commissioner for Entrance Examinations’, payable at Thiruvananthapuram.
Centre Fee: Candidates, who choose ‘DUBAI’ as their centre for the Entrance Examination, should submit along with their filled in application form, a Demand Draft for Rs. 7,000/- (Rupees Seven Thousand only), drawn on a Nationalized Bank in favour of the 'Commissioner for Entrance Examinations', and payable at Thiruvananthapuram. Those applying in downloaded form and opting ‘Dubai’ as the centre for the Examination, should enclose a Demand Draft for Rs. 7,700/-, along with the filled in application form.
Last date and time for receipt of filled in Application Forms: The filled in Application Form along with the OMR Data Sheet and other relevant documents (including DD, if applicable) to be submitted with the Application Form, is to be sent by Hand Delivery/ Registered Post / Speed Post in the printed envelope bearing the address of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations supplied along with the application form, so as to reach him before 5 p.m. on 29.2.2008 (Friday).
Completed Applications will be received in the Office of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations, Housing Board Buildings, Santhi Nagar, Thiruvananthapuram-1, on holidays also.
The Entrance Examinations and the subsequent allotments will be based on the various provisions laid down in the Prospectus.
An extract of the Prospectus is available in the website of the CEE. Candidates should go through the various provisions in the Prospectus before submitting their applications.
For more details, visit
Monday, October 27, 2008
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